Wheeler Institute Research Portal
From climate change to forced displacement, global conflict, poverty alleviation or gender empowerment, our Research Portal brings together our research in developing countries which tackles some of the biggest challenges of our times. Through the use of compelling narratives, multimedia and data stories, the Research Portal features our research portfolio and community.

Better Marketing for Better World Initiative
The aim of the initiative is to build community and support the development and dissemination of knowledge on how marketing can improve lives, sustain livelihoods, strengthen societies and benefit the world at large. The BMBW website features events, pro-seminars, insights, datasets and teaching materials.

Africa Fintech: Scale Prevalence
We have collaborated with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) to develop a research programme on drivers of scale among digital companies in Africa. Company scale is often deemed a yardstick of success by operators, investors and policymakers. However, scale itself is difficult to define and challenging to measure – particularly in the context of the African continent. This research develops insights on the incidence and drivers of scale based on the largest database of firms so far: 720 firms in the fintech sector in Africa.

How to get stuff done through Sustainable Investment Clusters
This project, in collaboration with P4G and SystemIQ, combined theory with case study applications to illustrate how sustainable investment clusters (special economic zones, industrial parks, agro-processing zones, etc.) could catalyse low carbon and inclusive growth. Leveraging the successes of SYSTEMIQ’s involvement in sustainable investment clusters in Africa, this knowledge document outlines the process for developing sustainable SEZs, resources to navigate policy at various levels, a comparison of potential investment categories, and recommendations to further engage with SEZ–associated value chains.

Dharma Life Labs
Dharma Life Labs, a collaboration between the Wheeler Institute, Dharma Life and Siriti, is a platform designed to conduct research on business and development, and create impact at scale in India. DL Labs partners with the BMW Foundation, Unilever, EY, Ford Foundation, Elea Foundation, Accenture, and UN Women, among others, to drive inclusive progress in vulnerable communities through innovation, research and collaboration.

African History through the lens of Economics
African History through the Lens of Economics is an open-access, interdisciplinary lecture series to study the impact of Africa’s history on contemporary development. It covered recent contributions in economic history that, using geospatial data from anthropological maps, colonial archives and secondary sources, explored current economic and development challenges by drawing parallels between the past and present. The course generated more than 27.000 registrations from over 160 countries.

BS4CL toolkit
Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BS4CL), a collaboration between LBS, Cambridge Judge Business School, HEC Paris, IE Business School, IESE Business School, IMD, INSEAD and Saïd Business School – has launched a digital toolkit to help business leaders pose key questions and assess their readiness to act effectively to tackle the climate crisis.

Africa List Business Barometer
A collaboration between the Wheeler Institute and CDC Group’s Africa List reporting on how business leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia navigate and perceive opportunities and challenges. This report aims to reframe views on macroeconomic issues, including business confidence and market conditions and identifies insights into skills, leadership, and perceptions on how business does good in these countries.
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