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How to pull off a career pivot

Thinking about a career change? Three LBS alumni tell Sam Bartlett about taking their careers in new and radical directions

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“Joining the Sloan programme meant moving to a new country, uprooting my daughters’ lives and spending all of my savings to make the transition. The minute I landed in London and met my cohort, there was no question that it was the best decision I’d ever made”

“Even if you don’t strike gold in a new industry, you can always bounce back or start from zero elsewhere. That’s what the Sloan helps you realise – you can start and stop whenever you want. No-one’s counting”

“When I used to think about my career path, I always thought of it like an upwards slope or an uphill climb. I know now that it’s not the only way to reach your end destination”

“There were times when I doubted my decision. But ultimately, my drive to prove myself and do something new outweighed that”

“Barclays gave me the opportunity to travel the world, earn good money and have a great lifestyle. Despite this, I felt unsatisfied”

“There are virtually no people of Asian heritage in senior sporting roles; I’m proud to have been one of the first – and hopefully not the last”

“Did I question my decision to take the business in such a radical new direction? Of course”

“You can assess things to a certain point – but after that, you just need to make the jump”

“Going from general industry to the medical world during a pandemic and at such a high speed was a huge pivot, but one I’m proud to say we accomplished”

Essential insights to help you navigate the new working world, brought to you by LBS faculty, alumni and our student community.

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