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‘You can make the best of any situation’

From B2B to B2C: health drink entrepreneur Anna Szymanowska MBA2018 talks about the importance of pivoting


Businesses large and small have been plunged into complete turmoil in recent weeks as the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus continues to dramatically impact every sector. Much of the fallout has been negative and many organisations have been forced to take unprecedented measures to avoid closing for good.

Some businesses though, have problems that would make others jealous.

Fighter Shots is one such company. The products of the ginger-based health drink start-up have been flying off the virtual shelves as people focus efforts on strengthening their immune system to try and mitigate against getting seriously ill if they get the virus.

Watch: Anna Szymanowska’s shares her experience for founders:  


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Founder Anna Szymanowska MBA2018 says that when the coffee shops and London Business School’s canteen closed on government guidance about three weeks ago, her online sales went through the roof.

“The business has been growing over the past weeks, but this doesn’t mean there have been no challenges,” says Szymanowska, who was supported to set up Fighter Shots by the School’s well-connected Incubator programme.

In the second of a series of videos produced by London Business School’s Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE) profiling entrepreneurs who have overcome significant challenge, Szymanowska says it was “disappointing” that her B2B strategy had ground to a halt, but she had plenty of positives to smile about – as long as she could ramp up production to meet demand and access ingredients at the right price.


Anna Szymanowska MBA2018 set up Fighter Shots as her first business. The views in this video are her own and are not representative of the IIE or London Business School

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