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How can businesses put sustainability into practice?

Find the answers in three episodes of our Responsible Business podcast series, hosted by Tom Gosling

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Many companies talk about wanting to become more sustainable and purposeful. But when they face challenges, with financial targets to hit, how can they be sure that they put sustainability into practice? In these three episodes of the Responsible Business podcast series from Think at London Business School, Tom Gosling, Executive Fellow of the Centre for Corporate Governance, invites his guests to answer this important question.

How long-term investors think about sustainability

In this episode, Tom Gosling talks to Andy Brown, Founder and CEO of Cedar Rock Capital. Learn how Andy builds sustainability into his firm's investment approach, how growing concerns about sustainability and social issues impact investment strategy and long-term value creation, and what sustainability does and doesn’t mean in the consumer goods and tobacco sectors.

How can business work with nature rather than against it?

In this episode, Tom Gosling talks to André Hoffmann, environmentalist and Vice Chair of Roche, about why companies should take threats to biodiversity more seriously and what action they can take. Hear about André’s work with the Capitals Coalition to integrate social, human and natural capital into measures of corporate performance. Learn how companies and organisations, including business schools, can think long-term to help drive firms to sustainable prosperity.

How does stewardship create long-term value?

In this episode, Tom Gosling talks to Yolanda Courtines, Partner and Equity Portfolio Manager at Wellington Management and Chair of the Investment Stewardship Committee. Hear about how stewardship activities, such as investors’ direct engagement with boards, can translate into value over the long term. Learn about the role of companies and investors in addressing societal issues and systemic risks such as climate change. Plus, find out which key questions investors should ask themselves before deciding to take action on stakeholder matters.



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