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Grace Headinger

  • Programme: PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Academic qualifications:

  • B.A. in International Affairs, George Washington University


Grace Headinger is a PhD student in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School. Her research interests focus on the sociological dynamics and psychological factors that influence the unique advantages that family enterprises enjoy and the distinct challenges that they face.  

Prior to LBS, she was a Research Associate in the Finance and Entrepreneurial Management units at Harvard Business School, where she co-authored over 20 HBS case studies on FinTech companies and family enterprises in addition to helping to launch How to Not Bankrupt Your Family, a first-of-its-kind MBA elective course on family offices. She has also taught as the Head Program Instructor for the HarvardVPAL FinTech short course, which explores the impact of technologies ranging from machine learning to blockchain on the financial services industry and annually enrols over 400 students from various professional backgrounds from around the world.  

She received her B.A. in International Affairs from George Washington University’s Elliott School for International Affairs with a minor in economics and a concentration in security policy. In her time away from research, she enjoys backpacking, exploring new cultures and languages, and learning fun facts about London history. 

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