Quantified research
"Maintaining and acquiring new business"
Amit Mehra MBA 2001
Founder and former CEO RML
Contribution and acquisition
"LBS research quantified the impact of Reuters Market Light (RML) on reducing price dispersion in crop markets: 12%. This statistically and rigorously number helped us build the case for RML's impact, especially to our many government and micro-finance institutions (MFI) clients. It was the first time independently verified that RML was also making markets efficient, over and above empowering individual farmers to improve their yields, bargaining power and net profits."
"The LBS research helped contribute to maintaining continuity in our commercial relationships and also built a stronger case for acquiring new government and MFI clients."
About Amit
Amit Mehra founded Reuters Market Light (RML), a business unit within Thomson Reuters, in 2006. It has been widely celebrated by The World Bank, the Financial Times and indeed, the UK’s Prime Minister. It is an innovative media solution offering customised, localised and personalised agricultural news, market intelligence, crop prices and weather forecasts via text messages to Indian farmers.