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The MSOM 2025 Conference will be held on the campus of the London Business School in London from Friday, 27 June 2025 to 29 June 2025.
To facilitate the review process, we encourage you to submit your papers as early as possible.
This year both SIG Day submissions and main conference submissions will be through Manuscript Central. (please find the submission link below).
In a departure from previous conferences, each attendee is limited to one presentation during the entire three-day conference period, including SIG meeting and the main conference.
Please do NOT submit the same work to multiple SIGs. (However, please do submit the same work to both a SIG conference and the MSOM conference if you want the submission to be considered for the MSOM conference in the case of a rejection at the SIG conference.)
The 2025 MSOM conference will include a teaching session featuring teaching innovation and best practise in the MSOM community.
Please consider sharing a teaching innovation or best practice with the MSOM community. Have you developed a new course or content? A new case, simulation or other teaching materials? Could you recommend a great article and how you teach with it? Use or adaptation to AI?
Please Use this Teaching Innovation Call for Contributions link to submit a short description by March.
All submissions will be compiled and distributed to the MSOM community. A few contributors will be invited to present in a teaching session during the MSOM conference.
The SIG mini-conferences of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society will hold its annual conference in-person on June 27, 2025. Please see the specific requirement from each SIG Day committees below.
The authors can find the scope of each SIG via the INFORMS MSOM SIG webpage.
For additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the SIG Day Chairs and SIG Track Department Editors (the list of Chairs and DEs can be found in the Organisers page
Submission Guidelines and Review Process
Single Purpose: Considered for SIG-Day presentation only.
Dual Purpose (SIG+M&SOM 1RR): These submissions are considered for both the SIG-Day presentation and the first-round review at M&SOM.
Paper Format
The M&SOM Conference will be held on 28 – 29 June 2025. We invite you to submit your work to the main conference.
Abstract Format
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at