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Leadership challenges in times of profound uncertainty
Randall S. Peterson, Professor of Organisational Behaviour
Business leaders face completely new challenges as they seek to provide clear direction while adapting to the unknown. In this webinar, Professor Randall S. Peterson focuses on a specific risk facing many executive teams and boards: falling victim to the threat-rigidity effect, where we focus on what has worked in the past rather than coming up with new approaches. He explores the psychology and suggests ways you can avoid three main traps. Randall will be joined by Chris Hopson, CEO of NHS Providers (the membership organisation for all of England’s health trusts) Chris shares insights into how they have successfully addressed these challenges.
Making difficult judgments in coronavirus times
Sir Andrew Likierman, Professor of Management Practice
The scale and disruption of this crisis make crucial judgments essential but also particularly problematic. Personal, as well as professional decisions, are involved. Sir Andrew used his current research on judgment to advise on how to tackle these big issues.
The Leadership Institute supported the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors in producing their March 2022 report 'Cultivating a healthy culture'. Over one hundred senior internal audit executives participated in the research survey that underpins this report, which provides in-depth insights on best practice in corporate culture and behavioural auditing. In addition to the survey, two roundtable discussions with senior internal audit executives representing a range of sectors were held, attended by Vyla Rollins, Executive Director of the Leadership Institute.
A new report, “Paying for net zero”, is the latest collaboration between Executive Fellow Tom Gosling and PwC. It focuses on climate targets in large European companies, to establish the extent to which they are aligned with evolving investor expectations. This is the third in a series of reports. “Paying for good for all’ (June 2022) deals with the topic of linking pay to ESG targets, looking at practice and attitudes globally and extending the analysis to consider alignment of broader company-wide reward strategy with ESG. The original report “Paying well by paying for good’, published in 2021, looks at whether executive pay should be linked to ESG targets, and if so how.