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How Anne Boden changed banking forever
Starling Bank's maverick founder is an exceptional modern leader. Luisa Alemany and Herminia Ibarra explore what it took for her to be able to disrupt an industry.

How to hack your brain to cope with change
How leaders can rewire their brains in order to lead change and drive organisational transformation.
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Think at London Business School
What is a leader? 'It's somebody who tries to effect change'
Meet Fatima Akilu – a woman whose quietly determined leadership style inspired an LBS case study
By Randall S Peterson, Aine Doris

Think at London Business School
10 things leaders need to do now
The working world has changed beyond recognition. Your leadership needs to evolve – and fast.
By Tammy Erickson

Think at London Business School
How to make work more humane: leaders take note
You never know what’s next but if you design work consciously, navigating the unknown becomes easier, more inspired and full of opportunity.
By Sophie Haydock
How do I lead through a crisis?
In this episode, we think about how to lead through a crisis with Randall Peterson, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Academic Director of the Leadership Institute at London Business School, and his guests Niro Sivanathan, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour, and David Faro, Associate Professor of Marketing.
How do you perceive the future?
How corporate leaders perception of time influences important decisions and outcomes that relate to sustainability and positive social change. Hear Donal Crilly, an associate professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at London Business School in conversation with host, Vyla Rollins, executive director, of London Business School’s Leadership Institute. Donal's teaching focuses on the topics of stakeholder relations and global strategy. His research interests include the exploration of why corporate leaders respond to certain external issues, such as shareholder demands for financial returns, and not others, such as stakeholder demands for cleaner production.