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The stark choice between financial markets and ecological and social realities

Dr Ioannou on the stark choice between financial markets and ecological and social realities

We are on a collision course between financial short-sightedness and the hard limits of reality - an impact that capital markets, as they are, are woefully unprepared to withstand.

This the view of London Business School's Dr Ioannis Ioannou in his latest article in Forbes, Markets At A Crossroads: Orderly Or Chaotic Transition?

Dr Ioannou writes: "Our financial markets continue to reward short-term returns that very often stand at odds with the planet’s finite resources and society’s long-term needs. "

He concludes That transition is no longer a "distant possibility but an unfolding reality".

"Whether it will be orderly or chaotic depends on the choices we make today. Aligning markets with ecological and social realities offers a path to resilience and stability. Hesitation, on the other hand, risks plunging us into avoidable crises. The clock is ticking - it is time to act with purpose and foresight."

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