Michael G Jacobides
Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
BSc (Athens) MA PhD (Wharton)
Michael G Jacobides (see www.jacobides.com) is the Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Professor of Strategy at London Business School. His work, which has received the Sloan Foundation Award, has appeared in the top academic journals such as SMJ, AMJ, AMR, OrgSci and Industrial & Corporate Change, where he is a co-Editor. He studies industry evolution, value migration, firm boundaries and organization design. His recent work has shed light on the emergence and development of digital platforms and ecosystems and has looked at the strategic and policy issues this raises. He has visited Harvard, NYU, Cambridge, Imperial, Bocconi and Wharton, where he obtained his PhD, after studying at Athens, Cambridge and Stanford. He is the Chief Expert Advisor on the Digital Economy at the Hellenic Competition Commission and a co-author of the WEF’s White Paper on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems. He is also a Visiting Scholar at the New York Fed, working on the shifting business model of financial intermediation.
Michael is the Lead Advisor of EvolutionLtd and an Academic Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group. A winner of the 2018 Theory to Practice Award from the StrategieForum, he was selected in 2019 as one of the Thinkers50. He writes for HBR, SMR and Forbes.com, and has appeared at the FT, CNN and BBC. He works on thought leadership with consultants such as McKinsey, IDEO, Accenture, PwC, Deloitte, Keystone and ECSi, and on strategy with corporates such as Haier, Huawei, MasMovil, Vodafone, Nokia, SAP, Enel, Santander, Helvetia, Zurich, CS, Airbus, DeBeers, Burberry, MerckSerono and the NHS. He served on the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum and has presented at the Davos Annual meetings.
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