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Residential mobility increases motivation to expand social network: But why?


Journal of Experimental Social Psychology


Organisational Behaviour

Authors / Editors

Oishi S; Kesebir S; Miao F F; Talhelm T; Endo Y; Uchida Y; Shibanai Y; Norasakkunkit V


Publication Year



We conducted two studies to explore psychological consequences of a mobile lifestyle. In Study 1, we found that participants who were randomly assigned to think about a mobile lifestyle used more loneliness and sadness-related words and anticipated having fewer friends in the future than those who thought about a stable lifestyle (or a typical day as a control). In Study 2, we replicated this finding with a non-college sample. In addition, we found that those in the mobility condition reported being more motivated to expand their social network. Finally, the effect of mobility on the motivation to expand social networks was mediated by anticipated loneliness and sadness.


Residential mobility; Social relationship; Social network; Loneliness

Available on ECCH


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