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On the path to Net Zero

Our commitment to Net Zero: Reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions.

For sixty years, London Business School has been a global institution, uniting students and participants from around the world to learn, connect, and collaborate. With campuses in global cities like London and Dubai, the School attracts diverse talent to profoundly impact the way the world does business and the way business impacts the world.

As London Business School looks forward to having a profound impact over the next sixty years, we recognise our responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are committed to working with stakeholders to find innovative ways to lower our Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions while ensuring London Business School remains a global hub for business education.

Scope 1 and 2 emissions

We have successfully reduced our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 49.2% on 2005 levels, all while expanding our campus.

This reduction was achieved through various energy saving initiatives and campus enhancements, such as installing motion and daylight sensors to optimise lighting, increasing LED usage, and installing voltage optimisation units. We also introduced automatic tracking systems to identify further energy-saving opportunities. In 2017, we transitioned from diesel to electric vehicles.

Further information on our Scope 1 and 2 emissions is available in our Carbon Management Plan.

Scope 3

Addressing Scope 3 emissions presents unique challenges for a global institution like London Business School. These emissions, which occur in our value chain, encompass a wide range of activities including international travel, procurement of goods and services, and employee commuting. We are taking a methodical approach to tackle these complex emissions. The first step in this approach was to measure our Scope 3 emissions. This inventory was completed in 2024.

We recognise that achieving Net Zero for Scope 3 emissions is not something we can accomplish alone. It requires collaboration and commitment from our entire network of stakeholders, including students, alumni, faculty, staff, suppliers, and partners. We are committed to working closely with these stakeholders. Our goal is to strike a balance between the global nature of our institution and our commitment to sustainability, aiming to significantly reduce Scope 3 emissions while maintaining the international diversity and collaboration that are central to our mission.

We will publish updates on our progress. Further details of the School's recent Scope 3 emissions inventory can be found here.

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